Three seated figures, with intricate architectural and sculptural details surrounding them.

Crime / Regulatory

Solicitors choosing counsel from the Criminal / Regulatory Department of Cobden House have an extremely wide selection. The recruitment policy has ensured that all members of the Department offer to our solicitor and lay clients a wealth of experience and individualism. Whatever the case, there will be suitable counsel at Cobden House.

With silk and junior counsel across the full range of Call, Cobden House offers an exemplary service to its instructing solicitors and lay clients, with members of the Department providing support for each other.

Members of the Department can be contacted by telephone, fax or e-mail and whilst there are splendid conference facilities in Chambers, we recognise and accommodate the needs of our clients to hold conferences in prisons and at the offices of our instructing solicitors.

All members of the Department have access to the latest technology and case-law and fully appreciate the needs of our clients in criminal cases - continuous case preparation from the receipt of the brief to the conclusion of the case.

There is no geographical boundary to the Department, but most of our work is on the Northern Circuit and within the Department, we have counsel whose expertise covers criminal cases of every description.

We are well served by our clerking team, who ensure the smooth operation of the Department Diary as our clients would expect from a Chambers with the BarMark award.

Barristers in our Crime Department:

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