A man in a suit and red tie is smiling with his arms crossed.

Keith Jones

Year of Call: 2009
Practice areas:
  • Crime


Keith is an experienced Criminal Law specialist and joined Cobden Chambers in January 2024. Keith often receives instructions in serious criminal cases of varying degrees of complexity including but not limited to drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering, sexual offences, theft, robbery and assault. 

He also accepts instructions in private road traffic defence work in the magistrates’ and Crown court.

He is well known for his personable and down-to-earth approach and is often instructed solely due to this. Keith is extremely capable of representing the needs of vulnerable clients and understands the added complexity that may bring to the case.

He acknowledges the weight upon which clients attach to their instructions and the need for them to have their story told whilst at the same time working in synergy with the client to ensure they understand the good points and the bad points. He is a pragmatic advocate with an ability to explain law and issues to lay clients in a way in which they feel fully informed and equipped. He is fully aware of the protection some clients require and equally aware of the importance of the outcome to the client.

Keith is also a CPS Level 2 prosecutor. 

Notable Cases

R v H (2023) Acquittal of GBH with intent for convicted murderer.

R v RE (2022) Operation Ovine: Multi-handed drugs conspiracy for the self-proclaimed ‘706 gang’ AKA ‘Portuguese mafia’ in Rochdale.

R v TB (2021) Defending in an exposure trial involving vulnerable children.

R v SM (2020) Acquittal of ‘step-aunt’ of historical sexual assault.

R v C (2019) Commercial production of Class B and supply of Class A drugs.

R v IG (2019) Operation Dreadnought: Multi-handed conspiracy to supply Class A.

R v A (2019) Possession of an imitation firearm.

R v SK (2018) Landlord/tenant: trespass with intent to commit sexual assault.

R v C (2018) Successful abuse of process argument relating to money laundering with no substantive supporting offences brought.

R v PB (2017) No dangerous finding for defendant who committed s.18 assault after release for a s.18 stabbing.

R v LM (2017) Successful application to dismiss.

R v NW (2016) Successful abuse of process argument (akin to autrefois acquit).

R v KK (2015) Acquittal of youth for a serious sexual assault

R v Marrache et al (2014) Only acquittal in £40 million fraud trial as Led Junior in Gibraltar. Trial by judge alone following the jury discharge due to jury tampering.

R v MU (2014) Only acquittal in a multi-handed passport fraud conspiracy.

R v B (2014) County lines drug trafficking in Yorkshire.

R v B & Ors (2012) Operation Cortex: 18-handed conspiracy to supply Class A in Warrington.



  • Dr Stuart Gershmann Award – 2008 (LJMU)

  • Criminal Litigation Commendation – 2009 (MMU)


  • Manchester Metropolitan University – Bar Vocational Course

  • Liverpool John Moores’ University – Law LLB (Hons)

  • The Liverpool Bluecoat School


  • The Northern Circuit

  • Gibraltar Bar 2013/14

Personal Information

Before becoming a barrister, Keith had a successful career in engineering.  His personal interests generally involve a motorbike or his dog, Alan.

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