Sharon Leene

Year of Call: 1996
Practice areas:
  • Crime


Sharon was called to the Bar in 1996 as a member of Gray’s Inn and practises Criminal law. She is a persuasive advocate with 10 years’ experience at the Criminal Bar and 8 years’ experience of teaching law at University.


Sharon is an experienced criminal barrister who has been instructed in a number of high-profile cases over the years. She started practising in London and then moved to Manchester in 2003 before taking a career break. She moved into a career as a University lecturer and taught Criminal law and Constitutional, Human Rights and Administrative law on the LLB. She also taught Criminal litigation and Employment law on the LPC. She then spent a short time working for a law firm as an employed barrister and litigated several Employment law cases on behalf of Trade Union members ranging from unfair dismissals to discrimination cases.

She has now made a successful return to practice and specialises in Criminal law.

Notable Cases

R v G and others – junior defence counsel in blackmail and false imprisonment case involving multiple defendants relating to people trafficking

R v T and D – junior defence counsel in Conspiracy to murder case

R v P – junior defence counsel in Court of Appeal against a double murder conviction, initially undertaken pro bono

R v B – junior defence counsel in Drugs importation case arising out of large-scale drugs operation involving a ‘supergrass’ witness

R v C and others – prosecution counsel in multi-handed supply class A drugs case

R v M and others – prosecution counsel in multi-handed s.18 and violent disorder case

R v C – defence counsel in sexual assault and false imprisonment case

R v P and others - junior prosecution in multi-handed drugs operation



  • Fluent in French with a diploma in French legal studies from Strasbourg University

  • Postgraduate teaching qualification - Postgraduate certificate in Professional and Higher Education

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