Case Update: Aaron Pulford Secures Substantial Wins for Tesco in Motor Fraud Case with Exemplary Damages

Today, the court awarded Tesco Stores Limited exemplary damages over £60,000 due to the outrageous conduct of 4 parties conspiring and staging crashes in fraudulent claims.

As part of an anti-fraud operation, Aaron Pulford secured exemplary damages for Tesco against former employees and the public.

Tesco has recovered compensatory damages exceeding £50,000 and obtained exemplary damages exceeding £250,000, with 6 cases pending.

Aaron will be appearing before Her Honour Judge Baucher in February to make submissions on whether the court has the power to refer the claimants and the Tesco drivers to the Attorney General for potential contempt or criminal proceedings regarding the extensive conspiracy.

Full judgement can be found here via the following links:
Sayahi & Anor v Tesco Stores Ltd & Anor [2024] EW Misc 4 (CC) (18 January 2024) (
Abdulla v Tesco Stores Ltd & Anor [2024] EW Misc 3 (CC) (18 January 2024) (

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