Alistair Reid has successfully defended in a recent private prosecution

Alistair Reid has successfully defended in a recent private prosecution, which has attracted nationwide media attention.

“Animal Protection Services”, a registered charity, launched a series of private prosecutions accusing defendants of animal welfare offences and breaching consumer protection regulations. However, Alistair quickly identified that not only were the charges unsupported by any evidence, but the entire prosecution may have been financially motivated.

HHJ Dean QC, the Honorary Recorder of Manchester, delivered a scathing judgment upholding both the application to dismiss the charges as well as the wider abuse of process. Describing the misconduct of the prosecutors as “an affront to the conscience of the criminal justice system” the Recorder also referred the matter to the Attorney-General’s office, the Charities Commission, and the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

There are concerns that dozens of defendants may have pleaded guilty to similarly flawed charges brought by Animal Protection Services, and could justifiably seek to appeal against their convictions.

Alistair was instructed by Abbeys Solicitors, Manchester.

The Times:

Law Gazette:

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