Cobden House Clerking Team Takes on adidas Manchester Marathon
for Day One Trauma Support

Four men in formal attire hold up orange and blue "Day One Trauma Support" jerseys while standing indoors.

In a powerful display of unity and strength, four members of our clerking team - Martin Leech, Jamie Conwell, Daniel Gray, and Colin Harrison - are gearing up to tackle the gruelling adidas Manchester Marathon on Sunday, April 14, 2024.

Their mission? To raise vital funds for Day One Trauma Support!

This marathon serves as the inaugural event in our ambitious 2024 fundraising calendar, as we proudly stand by Day One Trauma Support as their charity partner. Every step taken by our team on the 26.2-mile course symbolizes a commitment to supporting those affected by major trauma, underscoring our dedication to making a tangible difference in our community.

As we embark on this journey, we call upon our community to join us in kicking off our annual fundraising efforts with a bang.

With your unwavering support, we are confident that our team will not only complete the marathon but also exceed our fundraising goals. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who stand with us and wish our team the best of luck as they embark on this monumental challenge.

To show your support and make a difference, visit our JustGiving page at

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