Julie Ann Doyle successfully represents parent in application for contact with a child in care and application to discharge a Care Order.

Julie Ann Doyle successfully represented a psychological / non-biological parent in an application for contact with a child in care and an application to discharge a Care Order made in 2018. 

At an interim hearing in April 2023, the child was removed from the care of the biological parent with whom she had been wrongly placed, due to emotional harm. The child was returned to the care of the non-biological parent during the course of proceedings where she will now remain under the auspices of a Child Arrangements (Lives with) Order in their favour. The proceedings have concluded with the Care Order being discharged. The Court made further orders placing restrictions on some aspects of the exercise of the biological parent's parental responsibility and a section 91(14) Order for a period of five years.

Julie was instructed by David Williams at Cumbria Family Law.

Links to the two-part judgment are here:

Part one:

"M (A Child) (No 1) [2023] EWFC 312 (B), Re", https://caselaw.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ewfc/b/2023/312

https://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWFC/OJ/2023/312.html (13th April 2023)

Part two:

"M (A Child) (No. 2), Re [2024]  EWFC 99 (B)"  https://caselaw.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ewfc/b/2024/99

https://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWFC/OJ/2024/99.html (2nd May 2024)

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