Successful Settlement Secured by Tim Willitts

Tim Willitts was recently successful in a personal injury case involving a security guard employed by G4S at a DWP office, following litigation that spanned over five years.

The case arose from an incident in October 2018, where a disgruntled benefits claimant entered the building unchallenged, made his way to the first floor, and produced a knife. Our client heroically intervened, protecting others but sustaining a severe hand injury. Proceedings were brought against both G4S and the DWP, focusing on the failure to act on threats the assailant had made in his online journal, as well as the lack of security on the ground floor, which allowed the attacker to proceed unchecked.

Both defendants denied liability; however, after a trial on liability was ordered in 2022, DWP offered to settle on a 50/50 basis, which the client accepted. The claim then proceeded against DWP only. A quantum trial followed, and shortly before the hearing, DWP settled the claim for a global valuation of £50,000, with a net recovery of £35,000 after the deduction of benefits.

Tim Willitts successfully represented the client throughout the proceedings, achieving a positive outcome in this complex and challenging case.

Tim was instructed by Gillian Gail Sieczkowski of Ten Legal.

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