Terms & Conditions

Cobden House Chambers offer barristers’ services on the Bar Council approved Standard Contractual Terms for the Supply of Legal Services by Barristers.

A copy of these terms is available below and can also be viewed on the bar standards board website at www.barstandardsboard.org.uk.

The following may be downloaded here:-

  1. The Standard Contractual Terms for the Supply of Legal Services by Barristers to Authorised Persons;

  2. 22.05.18-approved-contractual-terms-for-gdpr-pdf2.pdf

  3. PIBA Terms and Conditions, as Amended by Cobden House, incorporated into CFAs entered into from 31st January 2013 up to but not including the 1stApril 2013 *; 

  4. PIBA Terms and Conditions (V9), as Amended by Cobden House, incorporated into CFAs entered into on or after the 1st April 2013 *.

 * Please note, non-standard Terms and Conditions specifically referenced in any Conditional Fee Agreement, but not appearing above (or T&Cs relating to older CFAs) are available on request from the clerks. 

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